Friday, December 08, 2006

That's all folks....

Well my last day of the internship was a lot of fun, I finalized everything at the Biltmore HR department and was taken out to a very nice lunch at the Bistro, thank you for everything to everyone!

my final paper: here

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Trainning and Development

Today I spent most of my day sitting with Lynne talking about all sorts of issues of training development. we talked about an interesting buisness model for the formalization of these programs, what they mean to a company, the costs, impacts, and issues surrounding them. We also branched out into some psycho-metric testing, team work compatibility, mentoring relations, etc. The conversation was extremely interesting and she was able to provide me with a copy of Dr. Bell's archiver matrix, which I find very interesting.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Looking Forward To It

Today I put in a few jobs into the database, but I'm really looking forward to Thursday when I am going to participate in BEST II on the Biltmore estate. The Best II training program goes deeper into the history of the company, customer service, then we have extensive tours of the estate, and then Lunch is at the Deerpark restaurant.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Slow day...

Today I simply had a hard time doing work, between not being able to fall asleep last night and the computer here taking ages to do anything I wasn't very productive. I was able to get some into the data base, but it there was a lot of waiting for the computer to do what it needed to do.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Here it is Finally

So here is my JA questionaire that I made for my interview of Scott. I will be writing a JD this week and will post that later. Today I will be leaving early to go to a job description writing seminar that will be put on by a consulting firm which is doing some work at UNCA.

JA questionaire:

Thursday, October 26, 2006

All Over The Place

Today was a lot of a little of this and a little of that and then to top it off, I had to duck out of the office for about 45 minutes for advising and such. All in all, a lot of emails sent out, a lot of talking to people, I finally added the photos from my Biltmore excursion. I have preped my JA question into a web friendly format and they need to be uploaded to my personal server, but I have to do that at home. Andy sent out a "safe Halloween tips" and of course it was accompanied by a commodore picture

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mile Marker

Today I finally hit the 200th job description that I have entered so far, I estimate that this is slightly over half of the entries that I need to do. I not quite sure that I will be able to finish, but lets hope.